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YouTube Host/Creator

Profit Whales
1 місяць тому
02 травня 2024
Інші країни
Віддалена робота
Повна зайнятість
Бонуси / премії
Компенсація навчання
Корпоративні заходи
Курси іноземної мови
Регулярний перегляд зарплат

Hello, future whale!

We are a marketing agency — Profit Whales, which helps brands develop their business and scale it on Amazon.

Our team consists of people who are passionate about their work and are always ready to offer non-traditional solutions.

Our company is growing, and we are attracting more and more new clients, while our employees have the opportunity to constantly develop their skills and grow as professionals, increasing their income!

Our main values are openness in the team, constant learning, and not being afraid to propose and implement new ideas.

Currently, we are looking for a talented YouTube Host&Creator to join our team.

Our steps:

  • Review and evaluation of previous works/portfolio (required for submission).
  • Meeting with HR and COO.
  • Тest task.
  • Final communication with the co-founder.
  • Offer.

What we expect:

  • Proficiency in English.
  • Experience with YouTube, including knowledge of algorithms and mechanisms for promoting content on the platform.
  • Ability to develop effective strategies for promoting and developing a YouTube channel.
  • Ability to work in front of the camera and confident speaking skills.
  • Ability to work with video editors.
  • Strong communication skills and experience conducting interviews.
  • Demonstrable portfolio showcasing past work and achievements.
  • Desire to develop in the Amazon and e-commerce spheres.


  • Communication and interviewing.
  • Performing tasks for the development of the company’s YouTube channel.
  • Planning, shooting, editing, and publishing videos on the company’s YouTube channel.
  • Developing creative ideas for videos that attract the audience and stimulate their interaction. Following trends and analyzing viewer reactions to continuously improve content.
  • Shooting video materials following scenarios, including planning and organizing shootings, selecting locations, using the necessary equipment, etc.
  • Comment monitoring.

Telegram - @HRProfitWhales

Profit Whales

IT - розробка програмного забезпечення Сайт компанії
Profit Whales: фото 2

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